Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li” is a phrase often quoted in reference to love and Judaism, and it is a quote from the Song of Songs, written by the wise King Solomon. It translates to "I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine." But what is the meaning behind it? Why is this specific passage such an iconic symbol of love?

The meaning behind the passage starts in an unexpected place. The first letters of each of the words of “Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li” spell out Elul, in Hebrew, the month before the high holidays, a time of repentance and self examination. What does that have to do with love though?
As it turns out, a lot. The love referred to in this passage is that of our relationship with God, a compassionate relationship, full of understanding and forgiveness, a love that understands that life is a work in progress, and nobody is perfect from the start. The month of Elul gives us a chance to re-focus our attention and ensure that we are making progress in the right direction, towards letting the bit of God within us shine out in a beautiful way.
Although we are commanded to love God, it is a two sided and supportive relationship, and that's what makes this particular verse powerful and meaningful. It shows better than others how our relationship with God connects us and binds us together as helping each other and being there for each other.
A beautiful and spiritual sentiment, it also translates into our relationships with other people. This is the kind of relationship to strive for, one where each party is there for one another in every situation or circumstance. This is the reason that this beautiful verse is often featured on
wedding rings or gifts between couples. It symbolizes not only the relationship with God, but the ideal supportive relationship that builds up both of the participants, a goal for a good marriage as well.