In the garden of Eden, alongside the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, stood a
unique tree of life. This tree provides immortality to those who eat its fruit and was forbidden to Adam and Eve. This unique tree is refered to many times in the Proverbs, and is a symbol of God's gift of life.
The Kabbalah utilizes the symbol of the tree of life to show the connection between the different spheres of creation. This mystical and meaningful tradition shows the spheres (Sephiroth)connected

with lines which are the paths of connection. The nodes also are associated with deities, celestial bodies, angels, values, colors or combinations of them, and numbers, all of which have a mystical significance. This version of the tree is called the Kabb
alistic tree of life, and is associated with powers and spirituality, even a sort of magic. Christian Cabbala, Hermetic Qabalah and Theosophy all use this unique diagram, and it is one of the most powerful and well known symbols in the Kabbalah.
The Kabbalah itself originates from the Book of Bahir and the Book of Zohar in the Medieval age, but it continues to be studied and ascribed with intense spiritual significance to this day. This specific diagram shown up in the kabbalah in 1516 in the Latin version of the Gates of Light, and in 1591 in Pardes Rimonim.
Tree of life jewelry is commonly worn as a spiritual piece of jewelry, with a power and meaningfulness to it that enriches the life of the wearer. Given as gifts or bought for one's own collection, these items of jewelry are unique in their spiritual power and significance and bring a special quality to the life of the wearer.
The Tree

of life depicts a map of creation, with the divine emanations of God's creation, the nature of divinity, the soul, and the ascending spiritual path of man. These together form the Kabbalist's model of reality. The tree of life is made up of several spheres: Keter, Chochmah, Bina, Chesed, Gvurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut. The 32 paths on the tree of life represent the paths to God.
The Sefirot and all of the tradition and meaning found in this symbol make it a very powerful spiritual diagram, and people who connect with the spiritual and the Kabbalah may choose to incorporate it into their lives by way of wearing it on a piece of jewelry. Gorgeous pieces of jewelry can be found, designed and made in the Holy Land in order to make the most meaningful and spiritually charged jewelry that can be found.