Submitted by Gail Drutman on Sun, 07/14/2019 - 11:17
Anointing oil has been around since the time of the Bible. The many oils mentioned had various uses, mainly for the use in the Temple and anointing kings and priests but studies have shown that
some oils were used for cosmetic, medicinal and healing purposes. Today, scientists are only beginning to realize the full benefit of some of the essential oils that were used in the time of the Bible. The two main oils mentioned in the bible are myrrh and frankincense. Other oils are also mentioned in various places in the bible but the two main oils are myrrh and frankincense.
Myrhh (pronounced mor in Hebrew) was an ingredient that was a precious commodity in Genesis, it was used as the main ingredient for the ketoret, the sacred yet mysterious holy ritual that was performed in the First and Second Temple in which incense was burnt. It was also used in perfume and as part of the holy anointing oil used to anoint priests and kings. It was considered a precious and sought after commodity as seen when Josef’s brothers sold him for exchange for various items and myrrh was one of them. A little-known fact is that it was also used in purification of women (Psalms and Proverbs). Today, myrhh is used as an anti septic and can be found in mouthwashes and tooth related products.
The second most common oil is
frankincense (pronounced levona in Hebrew). Like the myrhh, frankincense was also used in the ketoret and is thought to be a high quality aromatic incense. It was used in trade with Queen Sheba and was part of the perfume that was used in the Temple as it has such a very fragrant aroma which was considered pleasing with a woody aroma. Today, it is thought to have anti inflammatory components and fights inflammation. It has also been thought to be beneficial for treating asthma