Send Kosher Shalach Manot from Israel Including Wine, Chocolates and Goodies
Mishloach Manot, or shalach manot, are Purim baskets given on the day of Purim. As it is written is the Megillah, the holy scroll which is read on the holiday of Purim and tells the tale of the Purim miracle, the commandment is “Mishloach Manot Ish Lere’ehu”, meaning “the sending of portions from one man to his friend”. We do this to show goodwill to our fellow Jews and to remember the miracle of Purim. Everyone is required to give gifts for Purim to at least two of his friends. The Purim gift basket contains mainly food, but they can be as creative as desired. You can make your Purim gift into an ice cream sundae kit, complete with bowls and spoons, or you can serve your friends a nice breakfast. Ideas for mishloach manot are endless, and you can enjoy the experience of thinking up new Purim basket ideas. However, all Purim gifts, whether plain or fancy, must contain at least two types of food, such as a fruit and a cookie, or wine and cake. Traditionally, Purim food is added to the Purim gift, including “hamentashen”, a triangle shaped cookie filled with either jelly, chocolate, poppy seed or anything else sweet. One must not forget the needy people of our nation on this happy day, therefore it is nice to send gifts to Israel or mishloach manot to Israel and you’re sure to brighten someone’s day. The happiness and joy of Purim is meant to be shared and nothing will be appreciated more than a thoughtful gift basket filled to the brim with yummy treats.