Magnificent to behold, Jewish weddings are the paramount of tradition and beauty, full of energy, love, laughter, dedication, happiness for the couple, and a big dollop of ages old traditions from around the world and over the long course of the Jewish tradition.
The blushing bride arrives pure and adorned in her wedding gown, and the groom stands below the Chuppah covered in a tallit and awaits her procession around him 7 times in a meaningful spiritual ceremony. The Ketubah document is read out loud, and the two exchange vows and Jewish wedding rings, and sip from the Kiddush cup together, and then proceed to the Yichud room before the party and food begins.
According to the halachah, a Jewish wedding ring should be humble, although it must at least meet a minimum worth. Today, it is recommended to wed with a band of gold, but there are certain things that a couple may do with the ring that make it unique and special while still fulfilling the requirements.
These rings are made of gold and are band shaped, however within them may be words or phrases that are biblical in nature and express the dedication the couple feel for one another. Some may have some minimal decoration along the edges or different types of gold or even silver combining into a beautiful ring, however they all focus on the Jewish tradition and the great deal of love the couple holds between them. One of the most popular choices of inscription is " Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li ", which translates to "I am my beloved's and my beloved's is mine" and hails from the scriptural text of the song of songs.
The couple may choose to personalize their Hebrew inscription, or choose one of these other scriptural phrases that are perfect for wedding rings.
"Ahavat Olam Ahavtich" (Love You With An Ever Lasting Love) is loving and shows long lasting dedication.
"Eshet Chail Mi Imtza" ( A Woman Of Valour, Who will Find?) from the Shabbat song, this demonstrates the difficulty of finding such a perfect lady.
"Ze Dodi V'ze Re'ei" (This is my Beloved and this is My Friend) shows the deep friendship that follows a successful relationship.
"Matzati Et Sheahava Nafshi" (I Found Him Whom My Soul Loves) shows the kindred of the two souls.
"Btach El Adonai Bechol Libcha" (Trust in the Lord with all your heart) says that God pairs us together and we must trust the beauty of this decision.
"Yevarechecha Adonai Veyishmerecha" (The Lord bless you and keep you) A wish for God to keep them well and bless them.
"Adonai Roi Lo Echsar" (The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want) with God leading us we shall do well.
"Adonai Ori V'yishi" (The Lord is my light and my salvation) God will keep us on the right track.
"Ba'asher Telchi Elech" (Where You Will Go I Shall Go) for the couple that wish to be together always.
"Yadati Machshevet Aleichem" (For I know the thoughts that I think toward you) Thoughts of love and adoration.
"Gam Ze Ya'avor" (This Too Shall Pass) Any trouble of difficulty will pass easier together.
"HaAhava Hi Mekor HaChaim" (Love is the Source of Life) Living without love is not a beautiful existence.
"Mi L'Adonai Elai" (Who is For The Lord? Join Me) For those who are devoted to God.
"Simeni Kechotam Al Libcha" (Like a Seal Over Your Heart) A seal over the heart is this bond between loved ones.
"Tihiye Nafshi Keshura Benafshech" (Let My Soul be Joined with Yours) The souls are bonded and shall always be together.