Beautiful Kabbalah inspired jewelry that gives the wearer a closeness to the world of Jewish spirituality as well as the energy to run from good deed to good deed and sustain the soul with a worthy lifetime, these pieces of Jewish jewelry are inspiring and inspired. Made of Sterling silver and gold elements, they are dedicated with the words "Ana Bekoach", which beseeches God for the strength and energy to continue upon the right path and make positive changes in life.
Meaningful and spiritual, these pieces are decorated with symbols from tradition and mysticism, such as the Hamsa, the evil eye, and the Star of David, which protect you one and all from the harmful worldly evils and help you keep your tradition as well as the goodness of the world on your very person. The rings are there to remind the wearer of the beautiful spirituality surrounding us and protect ourselves from the evils bestowed upon us by society as well as those that we commit accidentally along the path of life.
The quote is a giver of strength and energy to do good, and comes from a mysterious poem song written by an unknown author, the words of which make up the 42 letter name of God, and the seven lines of which provide a sensitive and spiritual meaning to the way the song is built, as seven has many obscure and obvious mentions in the Scripture. Prayed during daytime and evening prayers (minchah and maariv), Ana Bekoach is a unique piece of Jewish tradition that is much more than it seems at first glance.
These pieces of Israeli jewelry are the best of Kabbalah jewelry as they protect and give good energy to the wearer. Truly a wonderful gift, the kabbalistic spirituality is sure to keep those you love on a good and positive path in life and keep their soul pure and clean of the difficulties and evils of this world.