לו אנהג כבוד בכל מועקה, אם קלה ואם חמורה, וכובד ראש בכל מצוקה, דין פרוטה כדין מאה.
מי יתן ויהא מצעדי בוטח, לשוני שגורה ומשנתי סדורה, לבל יבושו בי שולחי, למען יעלצו בי בוטחי.
Lu Yitgalgel Tzedek Al Yadi V'Yetze Mishpat Na'or
Lu Ehiyeh Melitz Yosher V'Esharet Sholchai B'Emunah
Lu Enhag Kavod BeKol Mu'aka, Im Kala V'Im Chamurah, V'Koved Rosh BeKol Metzukah, Din Prutah KeDin Me'ah
Lu Etaher Mshikulei Betza V'Yihiyeh HaTzedek Ner LeRagli
Lu Tehi Bi Chochmah Lehafer Alilot UBinah Letaken Avlot
Mi Yiten V'Yehe Mitz'adi Bote'ach, Leshoni Shgurah V'Mishnati Sdurah, LaBal Yavoshu Bi Sholchai, Lema'an Ye'altzu Bi Botchai
Would that when justice is rolled by me an enlightened sentence come out.
I will advocate honesty and serve my senders in faith.
I will treat with respect all difficulty, whether mild or severe, and act with gravity toward all distress, the law of a penny is the law of a hundred.
I purify myself from greed and justice will be a candle to my feet,
May there be wisdom in me to break plots and understanding to correct injustices.
I should have a trustworthy step, a practiced tongue and an orderly plan, lest my senders be ashamed of me, for the sake of those who trust in me.