Matzah Covers, Afikomen Bags & Pillow covers
The matzah cover is the Passover Seder equivalent to the Challah cover. Decorative and beautiful, it covers the Matzah during the Kadesh (kiddush) section of the Seder. Customarily, the foods blessed upon with the Hamotzi blessing or the Mezonot blessing are covered during kiddush of any type, to give respect to the wine before the main meal is focused on. This is true also during the seder, and for this purpose, you have the special matzah cover.
The cover used during the rest of the year for the challah cannot be used on the matza, because it is used for bread, which is chametz. Just as we have a separate set of dishes for use on Pesach, we also need a separate cover. This special cover is often designed with the seder specifically in mind, although any cover will do. You can cover the matzah with an appropriately respectful and beautifully designed cover, and some covers either function as or come with a special bag to hold the afikoman as well.
The afikoman is a portion of matzah saved to be eaten at the end of the seder like dessert, and it is hidden during the seder after it is portioned off at the Yachatz section of the seder, and traditionally at the end of the meal it is searched for by the children at the table (or adults if no children are there). Then it is cut and a piece is given to each seder participant. The afikoman is hidden, and so requires some type of bag or wrapping to hold it and keep it clean, and these are often included in the thought process when designing a matzah cover, so the two can match.
Traditionally decorative, the matzah cover is a stunning part of any Seder table, and so makes a wonderful gift for Passover or for newlyweds, as well as a great gift for any significant Jewish occasion or event. This gift can continue to be used over the course of a lifetime and truly beautifies the holiday and commandment of Passover.