Kudu Shofar
Yemenite Shofar for sale at various sizes - Spiral Shaped African Kudu Shofar is available in various lengths. The Kudu shofar is also known as a Yemenite Shofar (aka Yeminite shofar) because of its popularity with that community of Jewish people. A Silver plated Yemenite Shofar version is also available for special occasion gifts. Shofar cases (shofar carrying bags) are also available either a Galilee silk zippered shofar carrying case or a velvet shofar case. All Yemenite shofars are natural, polished and strictly kosher and certified. Depends on the individual animal from which the horn was taken from – Kudu shofar length range from 19 inches for a small Yemenite shofar to a 31 inches for a large Yemenite shofar and upto 43 inches for a giant- extra large Yemenite shofar.